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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Starting your seeds? 

It's that time of year and if you're anything like me you've already ordered your seeds. When they arrive, or just before, you check out your peat pots and starter soil to see if you have enough to get the seeds planted. Rather than using peat pots, try making starter pots out of newspaper. Why? Because it's

So how do you do it? You can follow these simple directions. This article suggests using a Potmaker, but any small can will work just as easily.

If you don't have enough newspaper, try toilet paper rolls. Everybody has toilet paper rolls! The rolls are just the right size, you can fold the ends in to make the bottom of the pot, add soil and plant your seeds. Give it a try - you have nothing to lose. Happy Gardening.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

It's Gardening time... 

and here are more links for your enjoyment.

It's April. Get out there and enjoy the beautiful weather even if you are getting some of those unexpected snow flurries. It's still great fresh air after all those months of being cooped up. Happy Gardening and Happy Easter.

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Thanks to Andrew Stenning who contributed the photograph for our masthead

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