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Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Discovered friends along the path 

I am always so pleased by the number of nice people I have the privilege to meet as I go through my daily travels. And today is no exception. Some new gardening friends have come along that I must tell you about.

Kathy Purdy has a fabulous site I invite you to visit, Cold Climate Gardening. Kathy’s focus is to share all she knows, and that others share with her, about gardening in a cold climate. Now, I can relate since I lived up north for many, many years. I think you’ll enjoy Kathy’s site as much as I did. A few of the topics covered include book and catalog reviews; pests, plagues and varmints; and her wishlist. She, too, has a number of links to great gardening info so be sure to go out and visit her soon.

Mary Walters of Walters Gardens, a link already featured on our Information Sources page, responded to my email letting me know about two other informational sites she has – Perennial Resource, and Designer Daylily. Both sites feature growing information and garden center locators as well as some of the most beautiful photographs I’ve seen. Mary’s perennial site also features information on landscape design. Please be sure to visit Mary soon.

Finally, Liz Donovan, The Herald’s Research Editor, searches the Web for useful information and then posts links for the Herald’s staff and readers. She has a pretty healthy collection of articles about a variety of topics and I encourage you to also go visit her site.

Kathy and Mary have been added to our Information Resources page and Liz has taken a spot among our Friends and Fellow Travelers links. I plan to share many more sites with you as my circle of friends grows. Happy Gardening.

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