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Thursday, April 01, 2004

Happy April 

Happy April and welcome to Spring. I woke up this morning thinking about writing an article about National Arbor Day, but also asked myself what else happens in the month of April? Today is April Fool’s Day – full of practical jokes. This "holiday" seems to have been around at least since the 1700s and there are lots of explanations as to how the pranks got started.

What else happens in April?

Here's some other interesting facts about April:

What happens environmentally in April?

Lots of other fun facts about April activities can be located at the University of Missouri-Kansas City upcoming events link.

Let me share just one quote with you that I connected to. While lecturing to a crowded classroom at Harvard, philosopher George Santayana spotted a forsythia in a patch of snow outside the window. Walking to the door he said, "I shall not be able to finish that sentence. I just have discovered that I have an appointment with April."

So, plant a tree for National Arbor Day, and pay attention to your garden and the environment around you, but don’t forget the best one of all. April 28 is Kiss Your Mate Day. Make sure you celebrate. I know I will! Happy Gardening.

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Thanks to Andrew Stenning who contributed the photograph for our masthead

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