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Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas on the Levee 

My mother is a southern belle - she grew up in a little town called Gramercy located in Louisiana. In fact, she and her siblings were born on plantations in St. James Parish. Anyway, Gramercy is about 15 feet above sea level, and skims the Mississippi River. The town is surrounded by a levee, about 40 feet high, that holds the Mississippi back from flooding the town.

A Christmas tradition exists in St. James Parish and it's quite amazing to see. The townfolk build structures such as teepees (most common), firetrucks, log cabins, etc. and, as darkness settles on Christmas Eve, they are set fire to light the way for Papa Noel. Then everyone goes to the Gramercy Fire Dept. for gumbo and other goodies. Gramercy is known as the Bonfire Capital of the World. This tradition goes back many, many years and I have been lucky enough to witness it at least twice. Now that my folks are living here in Florida and many of our aunts and uncles are gone, we find fewer reasons to visit Gramercy so we miss the town and all the great people who live there. But we don't forget the awesome experience. Merry Christmas to everyone everywhere and Happy Gardening.

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