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Sunday, February 27, 2005

Have I mentioned the Southern Blogs ring? 

I'm pretty sure I have. I belong and am actually co-ringmaster, if you will, with my husband. We've had some folks want to link up who have that "southern" state of mind. What is that exactly? Well, it's for all those bloggers who take pride in the rich heritage of their southernness: the south side, south of France, south of the border, southpaws, South Bend, or just plain south of center. I fit in by being a southpaw and pretty south of center but that's a whole 'nother post.

My husband has been taking care of the ring so I decided to visit the ring member sites today. Here's one that makes me chuckle - A Wacky Southern Housewife. She tells it like it is with a little twist of humor. Her post about her Dad in the closet is a riot. We've just gone through all the trying pre-arrangements for my Dad and Mom. Mom wants the coffin and the whole schmeer - Dad wants to be cremated and doesn't really care where his ashes wind up. Her remembrance of her mother's ashes being scattered and her Dad's wishes are too funny. You've got to go read this and all of Scarlett's other entries. It's not about gardening, but who cares. You'll get a few chuckles for sure. Happy Gardening.

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